How to Use Crypto to Achieve Financial Freedom

Libra Ecosystem
3 min readSep 8, 2021


Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are built on blockchain technology and provide a means for sending & receiving money from all over the world. The money we are talking about here is the virtual currency, and not fiats like dollars or Euros. You can transfer cryptocurrencies to anyone, anywhere in the world using the internet and nobody will know about it, unless of course, you want them to know.

Besides privacy, there are many other benefits of using cryptocurrencies for digital payments. It eliminates the need for trusting an intermediary like banks with our money. The user is basically in full control of their money and can send it to whomever they want. Thanks to the absence of middlemen and the integration of the most advanced internet payment technologies, crypto payments are nearly instant, very secure and incur very low transaction charges.

In this article, we will talk about cryptocurrencies as a way to achieve financial freedom through investing.

But first, let’s talk about the benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies:

  • Unlike traditional markets that operate for a limited number of hours daily, crypto markets are always open, even on holidays and weekends. You can trade cryptocurrencies 24 hours, 7 days a week.
  • The trading fee is very low or even zero on some exchanges.
  • There is generally no limit on the maximum number of tokens you can buy.
  • Everybody, including those living in the foremost places, can use and trade cryptocurrencies.
  • With crypto trading, there is no commission involved. So, you get to keep whatever profits you earn from investing/trading.
  • Cryptocurrencies are backed by blockchain — the most secure financial payments technology known to humans.

Cryptocurrencies for Financial Freedom

Here are few proven ways to earn more with cryptocurrencies:

Buy & hold

One of the best ways to earn more with cryptocurrencies and become financially free is to buy a good coin and then keep holding it for at least some years.

But, what makes a good coin. Well, any crypto that has a good concept, a great team and comes with a realistic set of use cases is generally good to go. For newbies, Bitcoin and ETH are generally the best options. For experienced investors looking to diversify their folio, new innovative projects like the Libra Coin are worth looking into.

Trade cryptocurrencies

Another way to earn money quickly with cryptocurrencies is to buy and sell, which is called trading in the official language. Crypto trading works similar to traditional equity markets. You buy a coin at a low price with the hope to sell it at a higher price on the same day or in a few days. However, this type of crypto investing involves significant risk and is not recommended for new & inexperienced traders.

Crypto Mining

Mining is another popular way to earn with cryptocurrencies. It involves helping to keep the blockchain network secure by performing complex mathematical transactions using dedicated machines, in exchange for which miners get paid with new tokens.


Staking is the mining alternative used by Proof-of-stake (PoS) systems where participants are rewarded for buying and holding tokens in the contract. This is a more efficient and cost-effective way to perform crypto transactions.

Invest in token sales

Token sales are just like IPOs, where a crypto startup looking to launch in the market first conducts a sale of its crypto tokens as a way to raise funds for the project. There are many types of token sales, with ICO, IEO, ITO, and STO being the most popular ones. Token sales are a great way to buy a good coin at a lower than the market price.

Overall, cryptocurrencies are definitely a better way to make money and secure your financial future as compared to traditional equity markets. The crypto market has grown tremendously over the past few years. Do join today before it’s too late.



Libra Ecosystem

A Comprehensive Blockchain Payment System for E-commerce Businesses.